Guided river tours of the Niobrara River.

Guided River Tours

From its headwaters in Eastern Wyoming to its confluence with the Missouri in Northeast Nebraska, the Niobrara River flows over 500 miles across Northern Nebraska, with ever changing character.

Book a guided tour today and experience the beauty that has earned the Niobrara the “National Scenic River” title.


Gordon Warrick

Gordon has been a Niobrara River Guide from his days as a college student to his last 6 years with the National Park Service where he served as the natural resource manager of the Niobrara National Scenic River.

His experience and knowledge of the river and the native flora and fauna will add tremendous value to your trip.


National Scenic River

The Niobrara River was awarded National Scenic River status in 1991. Its outstanding remarkable values including fish, wildlife, scenery, fossils, geology and recreation helped the Niobrara earn this award.

The river was designated by Backpacker magazine as one of the top ten rivers for canoeing in the United States.


Prints For Purchase

Have a look through Gordon’s lens to see what landscapes, birds, wildlife, plants and insects you may encounter on your trip.

Want to feature the Niobrara’s beauty in your home? Prints are now available for purchase.


Free Planning Advice

Book a free consultation with Gordon to help plan your next trip.

His extensive knowledge of the Niobrara will be an invaluable resource in knowing inlet/outlet locations, restricted areas and route suggestions for specific areas and mileage.


Need A Nature Guide?

Besides offering guided tours of the Niobrara River, Gordon is also available for guiding informative nature hikes for groups or companies wanting to experience and learn about Nebraska’s native flora and fauna.

“Gordon Warrick’s career experience, astute senses, and in-depth knowledge of the Niobrara’s natural history is a do-not-miss opportunity!”

— Gordon Hempton, CoFounder, Quiet Parks International

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